Hello all!
As school is fast approaching, I have been experiencing a phenomenon that I think many other teachers experience as well - back to school nightmares! At least every other night, sometimes every night, I have a horrible dream about back to school. Though others might laugh at the fact that being in a room with uncontrollable students or forgetting to make copies could be a nightmare, this is a very real problem for many of us, especially at this time of year.
Teacher in service starts tomorrow for me. I had TLAC (Teach Like a Champion) training to be a teacher leader last week. Thank god my room is ready, but I still need to plan. And ahhh.. I'm just starting to kind of freak out. Last night my dream included me getting fired because I had created something that broke copyright laws and I was being arrested or sued or something. My principal was disappointed in me; it was awful.
My most frequent is one where I haven't made the copies that I need for the day. I also often have one where I have like 250 students and I am trying to get them to quiet down, but they are too loud, and I can't get loud enough for them to hear me. Then I lose my voice. I really hate that one.
My department head mentioned last week that she had been having nightmares as well. What about you? Do you have nightmares about back to school? Please share!
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