Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wouldn't That be Harassment?


Ok, so today = more decorating. I got the sides of the room decorated yesterday, and today I did the front and back. I also had the guy in to put up the mount for my Smartboard! Yayah! Now all I have to do is figure out which one is mine so he can hang it, which he said would take 5 - 10 minutes! Wow. But, I called the technology persons cell yesterday and it was off so I left a message and it was the same today. So I went to bug the secretary, who has everyone's summer contact info. She first read off the number I already had. I told her I already had that one, so she asked if I wanted the home phone. I said: "Wouldn't that be harassment??" "Nah..." is what she said, so I called it. No answer - guess they are on vacation. Boo. But really it doesn't matter. Anyways, here are the pictures from today. I pulled down my projector screen to play the part of "Smartboard" in today's shoot.

My back bulletin board, which you can now actually see!

My new favorite thing! Velcro sticky things. These are great to use for boards you might change often (no staple holes!) and for standardized testing - you won't have to cover everything up! Just pull the posters off and re-velcro them once testing is over! 

Here is a great example of how to use the velcro stickies for something you might change often - Interactive Boards. I have two spaces - one for 7th grade and one for 8th grade. The white dots are one part of velcro. I can interchange challenge questions without messing with staples and they will stay reusable for longer!

I had never bought these before but I LOVE having punch out letters. My handwriting is awful, and printing everything out is tedious. It makes things look so put together!

My student work board. Chouette means "owl" and also it means "GREAT!" or "AWESOME!" I use these as incentives. I will do a whole blog on this before school starts, promise!

These I am gonna re-do because you cant see them well, but they are different basic instructions you can place for activities. The first checked one is "Turn it in" - versus "Take it home" - kids won't have to ask these simple questions because the answers are up there! 

The big bright posters are my question words. I keep them in the front of the room, that way when I am asking students questions they know what I am asking - This is a technique used by TPRS. Its ok for them to have to look up to remember the question words. 

What to do if you are done early!

Front of the room from my desk

This was the list I made last night of everything I need to do... I got 4 things done. AH!!! 

Miraculously, I got home and actually cooked a really home cooked from scratch meal: homemade chicken nuggets! I even made the bread crumbs! Grating stale, baked bread was the highlight of my day. Delicious!

So, the agenda for tomorrow is to clean up and organize my room . I think I will be able to work better with everything put away, now that my walls have been decorated. There will probably be more stuff that goes up as I go, but for now, I am done with my big decor projects. Whew!

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